The Value of a Family Meeting
The festive season brings together families and important decisions
As we approach the end of another year, many people will be looking forward to the festive season and the chance to slow down and catch up with family, particularly older parents. Busy lives and distant homes can make it easy to feel out of touch. But this may be a time when adult children notice changes in their ageing parents and can also be a time for parents to take control over their future with advice and family discussions.
Did you know?
Many older Australians live alone, and families may not notice the decline in an older person’s ability to live independently. The festive season can be a time when families come together and have an opportunity to observe how well a parent is coping.

The value of a family meeting
A family meeting is an essential step in planning for aged care and may help to minimise conflicts within your family. Emotional conflicts between family members can make the transition to care more distressing for an older parent and have the potential to rip families apart. A well-run family meeting can allow parents, children and other family members to discuss issues and preferences, express concerns and make decisions that work for your family as a whole. The earlier you take this step, the better. Planning ahead ensures that parents are fully involved in the decision-making and removes some of the stress from other family members. With a well organised plan in place, your family can respond more quickly and effectively when an event requiring a move to aged care occurs. If you require any assistance with this process please do not hesitate to contact us.
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